Life took detours or changed forever for much of the population. I look out at a bare Montecito Peak - like a moonscape - just dirt and ash.
A lot of things were put on hold, a few carried on and life is slowly coming back to it's senses for Christmas. But a sober Christmas indeed.
Santa Paula Art Museum bravely stayed open with the "Art about Agriculture" show. I could not attend the artist's talk, as by then we were in evacuation mode. Please show local support by stopping by the museum and seeing the show.
Sullivan-Goss Gallery pushed on with a smokey First Thursday opening for the 100 Grand Invitational Exhibit.
small fir
gouache on archival board
low creek
The Westmont 5"x5" Invitational will include the following piece for their fund-raising online auction. This will open in January.
gouache on board
Art is a refuge in times of hardship and uncertainty - it carries hope and beauty.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a New Year without Fire, ash and smoke.