Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Mid-November re-set

 Catching my breath after a difficult, stressful month - one of the worst since the pandemic. The loss of our cabin, November elections (still an issue, really?) and the surge in Covid 19 that everyone was anticipating. Sometimes it feels like I'm losing my footing. Holidays are a wash now, so no family and friends for celebrating.

One constant I am grateful for is my artwork - time outdoors (safely) painting the landscape, patio painting flowers, working in the studio, my Zoom figure painting class and watching talks and demos by other artists online. Painting is my island of sanity. I am better at posting current work on Instagram: nwarner13

So here are recent landscapes - the first 2 are currently in "Huge Show - small art" on OnlineGalleryShows.com  :

slough, 4"x8" oil on panel

slough, 4"x8" oil on panel

carp slough, 4"x8" oil on panel

We've been painting at the San Marcos Preserve - such a beautiful spot and on the cusp of more development - huge houses.

view from San Marcos Preserve, 8"x8" oil on panel

trail at San Marcos Preserve, 6"x12" oil on panel

Another beautiful saved open space, Parma Park

late afternoon Parma Park, 8"x10" oil on panel

Then trips out to Goleta for the beach and the UCSB Lagoon:

Goleta beach slough, 8"x8" oil on panel

lagoon, 8"x8" oil on panel

Painting flowers every Friday on a friends patio has been a great, calming and fun. I've been working on cartòn paper which is a brownish straw color and makes for an interesting background.

2 purple/pink roses, 8"x10" oil on cartòn

1 white & pink rose, 8"x10" oil on cartòn

small bunch salmon pink roses, 8"x10" oil on cartòn

2 yellow orange roses, 8"x10" oil on cartòn

1 red and 1 pink/white rose, 8"x10" oil on cartòn

1 white, 2 salmon pink roses, 8"x8" oil on cartòn

2 purple/pink roses, 8"x10" oil on cartòn