Well time has always been a conceptual idea and no more so than this past year.
One year of Covid-19 life as we now know it. At least all the artists I know have been grateful for the the sudden dearth of acceptable activities which has translated into time to paint. That's a good thing.
Landscape and flower painting have kept me challenged and busy. Now with a Zoom figure painting class, that too gets a lot of attention.
So to catch up here are the last many weeks (and then some) of Friday flower paintings:
last of the roses, January, oil on panel, 8"x10"
last of the naked lady lilies, oil on panel 11"x14"
Then the only flowers that were miraculously blooming were on a large shrub:
Japanese Magnolias.
1. oil on panel, 6"x6"
2. oil on panel, 6"x6"
3. oil on panel, 8"x8"
6. oil on panel, 6"x8"
7. oil on panel,10"x10"
8. oil on panel, 8"x8"
9. oil on panel, 10"x10"
10. oil on birch panel, 8"x8"
11. oil on cartòn, 8"x8"
So guess which are my favorites? Which are yours?
Instagram: nwarner13
most work is available, please contact me through email or DM on Instagram