Friday, February 18, 2022

February Early Spring

 The one good rain we had well over a month ago had the effect of turning everything green, making trees blossom early and clearing the air. No rain since, but the green has held on so far. It's been great to get out and paint in the warm, early spring. Here's what I've been working on this past month:

horse pasture, 8"x10" oil on panel

trail to Naples, 8"x10" oil on panel

Naples beach day, 8"x10" oil on panel

barn in Humboldt county, 6"x12" oil on panel

This was a re-do of an earlier painting, done in the summer.

Reflections, lake Los Carneros, 8"x10"

Still working on still-life and flowers:

patio succulent, 9"x9" oil on panel

Roses have been our theme on Friday flower painting sessions until pruning time:

Pink and white Rose, 8"x8" oil on panel

Pink and white Rose, 8"x6" oil on panel

Pinky Red Rose, 8"x6" oil on panel

Pink Rose, 8"x6" oil on panel

Then we switched to whatever was blooming:

pink (with white) camellias, 8"x8" oil on panel

red camellia, 8"x8" oil on panel

maroon cymbidiums, 6"x12" oil on panel

Keep up weekly on Instagram @ nwarner13