March has turned into a wild ride - changes in the world including Covid mandates and the Ukrainian invasion have put other things to mind. Making art is still a place of solace and positive energy.
I continue my weekly plein-air sessions, weekly figure drawing class, weekly flower painting session as well as working in the studio. I have also come to the end of a year-long mentoring program with the Australian artist, Colley Whisson. This is part of Tucson Art Academy Online, that offers mentoring programs with several nationally and internationally recognized artists including Matt Smith, Randy Sexton and Mitch Baird.
I've learned a great deal from Colley through his coursework and critiques. I thought I'd post a few of the paintings that I have worked on with Colley.
highway market, central valley 9"x12" oil on panel
leadbetter cliffs, 8"x10" oil on panel
old barn, carmel valley, 8"x10" oil on panel
patio succulent, 10"x10" oil on panel
Erika's ducks, 9"x12" oil on panel
I am planning to continue on with Colley as an 'alumna' on a month to month basis.
It's been invaluable to have the kind of feedback I get from him.