Sunday, January 24, 2016

new year - new work

starting 2016 with some plein air painting, studio work and completing small gouaches for the upcoming solo show at the faulkner west.

traditional new years day painting, "begin as you would continue..."

view south
oil on panel

for consideration for a upcoming juried show at the wildling museum, some paintings from pinnacles national park:

monolith, pinnacles, 12"x12" oil on panel

pinnacles trail, 16"x20 oil on panel

a few efforts for the 'farm to wall' SCAPE show to benefit fairview farms:

fairview field, 8"x10" oil on panel

avocado ghosts, 8"x10" oil on panel

coming in march at the faulkner gallery west, 40 gouaches from the last couple of years. the show is called 'small' - recent work of small scale gouaches. preview of the card image:

poppies, 2"x3"