Saturday, March 19, 2022

Marching onward

 A few more paintings from the last several weeks including Monday sessions and Friday flowers. 

Monday plein-air sessions are about 3 hours long max due to the changing light conditions. Most are posted 'as-is' with little change unless there is something that isn't working or needs adjusting, that I will do in the studio while the image is still fresh in my mind, along with a reference photo.

Coal Oil Point from Isla Vista, 8"x10" oil on panel
Standing in the field looking towards the point on a beautiful early spring day

Trail to Naples, 8"x10" oil on panel
This is the second painting from this particular site - I was intrigued with the palm trees and the contrast of the shadows and light. Everything was still bright green from the last, now long ago, rain.

View from Farren Road, 8"x10" oil on panel
A great spot with views of the canyons as well as the ocean.

San Marcos Preserve, 8"x10" oil on panel
This is one of our favorite places to paint - great views and interesting landscape with open space, oak trees, pepper trees, boulders and trails.

Church in Petrolia, 8"x10" oil on panel
I spent a week in Humboldt County visiting my daughter and had the chance to get out and paint a bit while she was working. The morning light on this little church was really lovely.

These next paintings are from my Friday flower painting sessions with 3 other artist friends. We started this during the pandemic as a way to connect and paint together. We sit outdoors, one in each corner of the patio (first with masks on, at least 6' away from each other until we all got vaccinated), and paint the roses from the garden, until it was pruning time - then switched to whatever any of us had blooming at home. We look at each others work and paint from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.
Total paint time is about 2 hours, so these are generally small. It has turned into a great practice for painting - observation, design, color mixing, structure - all the considerations of making a good painting of anything.

Red Camellia 2, 8"x8" oil on panel
These are like little flamenco dresses - frilly and bright.

Freesias, 6"x8" oil on panel
A very tough form to paint but the challenge id color and value

Red Camellias 3, 8"x6" oil on panel
The challenge of mixing reds!

Friday, March 18, 2022

time change and changing times

March has turned into a wild ride - changes in the world including Covid mandates and the Ukrainian invasion have put other things to mind. Making art is still a place of solace and positive energy. 

I continue my weekly plein-air sessions, weekly figure drawing class, weekly flower painting session as well as working in the studio. I have also come to the end of a year-long mentoring program with the Australian artist, Colley Whisson. This is part of Tucson Art Academy Online, that offers mentoring programs with several nationally and internationally recognized artists including Matt Smith, Randy Sexton and Mitch Baird.

I've learned a great deal from Colley through his coursework and critiques. I thought I'd post a few of the paintings that I have worked on with Colley.

highway market, central valley 9"x12" oil on panel

leadbetter cliffs, 8"x10" oil on panel

old barn, carmel valley, 8"x10" oil on panel

patio succulent, 10"x10" oil on panel

Erika's ducks, 9"x12" oil on panel

I am planning to continue on with Colley as an 'alumna' on a month to month basis.
It's been invaluable to have the kind of feedback I get from him.