Monday, July 20, 2020

July whatever

Hard to track the days and months - everything has taken on a new rhythm. The only real day I know is Monday because that is our plein-air painting day.
The rest can be called whatever.

Here's the last month or so group of paintings:

lake los carneros mountain view, oil on panel, 6"x12"
This was a day we got 'fogged out' at Devereux and decided to come a bit more inland.

devereux slough, oil on panel, 9"x12"
...then a beautiful day slipped in and we went back.

Santa Ynez River, pink cliffs,  oil on panel, 8"x10"
after a week of local fog, we headed up to the River for some sunshine and water.

Santa Ynez River,  oil on panel, 8"x10"
so lovely to stand by the water and paint - listening to the local bullfrog, quail, hawks, etc.

open space, devereux, oil on panel, 6"x12"
hiked out to the other side of the lagoon for a different view

roses, oil on panel, 6"x8"
took a day to paint in a friends back yard, catching the late light

Old Barn and stables, oil on panel, 12"x16"
this was a study done on site and then developed as a larger painting in the studio. I liked the shadow side of the barn in contrast to the bright green sunlit grass.

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