Monday, May 18, 2020

Monday painting normalcy

So in this time of 'sheltering in place', social distancing, mask wearing, isolation and closings, the only 'normal' part of my week and reminder of what day it actually is, has been keeping up on our Monday plein-air painting schedule.

After getting a sense of what we could or couldn't do, Libby, Karen and I figured we could meet up someplace out of the way, drive separately, park at a distance, talk from 6' apart, and paint for a few hours. As outdoor painters, we always have distance between us - we choose our own spots, set up and work.
We text each other to know where we are and when to pack up, we meet back at the cars and take a few minutes standing apart to look at each others work. 

We found a great spot to do this - less traveled, off the beaten path but accessible and full of interesting things to look at: buildings, landscape, water, animals. It really feels normal - like not much has changed. It's been a great morale booster, creative and productive.

Old studio and shed, oil on panel, 8"x10"

Open space, oil on panel, 8"x10"

Old Stables I, oil on panel, 8"x10"

Old Stables II, oil on panel, 8"x10

Horse trail, oil on panel, 10"x8"

Old Barn, oil on panel, 9"x12"

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